Central Theme:  Engineering advances in the Energy transition space: Innovations, Inclusion, and Impact

The theme for this conference highlights the critical role of engineering in driving innovations and solutions during the ongoing global energy transition. This theme underscores the application of engineering principles in developing renewable energy technologies, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing the overall sustainability of the energy sector. By focusing on engineering advancements, this theme aims to explore the cutting-edge techniques, methodologies, and technologies that engineers are employing to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, contributing significantly to a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

Renewable Energy Technologies and Innovations

This theme is vital as it addresses the critical need for sustainable energy sources and technological innovation to combat climate change and promote a greener, more resilient energy future. It explores cutting-edge advancements in solar, wind, and hydro, with a central focus on developing and implementing innovative solutions to enhance the efficiency, scalability, and integration of renewable energy sources into our energy infrastructure. Topics discussed in this thematic track include:

  • Renewable Energy Technologies and Innovations: Advancements in solar, wind, and hydro energy, energy storage solutions, and integration into the grid.
  • Innovations in Energy Storage and Distribution: Next-generation batteries, smart grids, microgrids, and challenges in energy transmission and distribution.
  • Nuclear Energy and Emerging Technologies: Advanced nuclear reactor designs, fusion energy research, and the role of nuclear energy in a diversified energy portfolio.

Sustainable Energy Access and Equity for Africa by Africans

This theme is vital as it addresses the urgent need to ensure universal energy access across the African continent while promoting equity and inclusivity within local communities. It focuses on the empowerment of African nations and their people to develop and implement sustainable energy solutions tailored to their unique needs and resources. By emphasizing locally driven initiatives, this theme strives to bridge the energy gap, stimulate economic growth, and improve livelihoods, thus paving the way for a more prosperous and sustainable future for Africa and its people. Topics discussed in this thematic track include:

  • Sustainable Energy Access and Equity for Africa by Africans: Sustainable energy solutions for remote areas, bridging the energy access gap, and socioeconomic impacts of energy access.
  • Human Capital Development and Workforce in Energy: Skills development, diversity and inclusion in the energy sector, and talent retention and leadership development.
  • Socioeconomic Impacts of Energy Access and Inclusion: As discussed in the Energy Access theme, focusing on the broader socioeconomic impacts across different regions.

Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Environmental Impact

This theme is vital as it underscores the importance of optimizing energy consumption and reducing waste in the face of growing global energy demands. It emphasizes the implementation of innovative technologies and best practices to enhance energy efficiency across various sectors, from industries and buildings to transportation. By promoting energy conservation strategies and fostering a culture of sustainability, this theme aims to mitigate environmental impact, lower operational costs, and create a more sustainable energy future for communities and industries worldwide. Topics discussed in this thematic track include:

  • Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Smart buildings, industrial energy efficiency, and energy-efficient transportation.
  • Environmental Impact and Sustainability: Environmental footprint of energy production, biodiversity conservation, and circular economy approaches in the energy sector.
  • Industrial Energy Efficiency: Best Practices and Case Studies: Industries are major energy consumers. This theme would focus on best practices, technologies, and real-world case studies demonstrating successful implementation of energy-efficient practices in various industries.

Policy, Financing, and Digital Transformation in Energy

This part explores the role of policy, investment, and digital technologies in shaping the future of energy. It focuses on the exploration of data analytics for predictive maintenance, AI algorithms for energy. trading and demand/generation forecasting, and blockchain technology for ensuring transparency and security in energy transactions. By delving into these advancements, this theme seeks to harness the power of digitalization and artificial intelligence to optimize energy operations, enhance energy trading strategies, and pave the way for a more resilient and efficient energy ecosystem. Topics discussed in this thematic track include:

  • Investment and Financing in the Energy Sector: Financing green energy projects, public-private partnerships, and innovative funding models.
  • Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Energy: Data analytics, AI applications in energy trading, and blockchain technology for energy security and transparency.
  • Climate Change and Energy Transition: Clean energy initiatives to mitigate climate change, energy transition for achieving climate goals, and transformative policies and technologies.
  • The role of fossil fuels in energy transition: Clean energy initiatives to mitigate climate change, energy transition for achieving climate goals, and transformative policies and technologies, including carbon capture and storage (CCS) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.


Sustainable Oil and Gas Development

This theme is significant to the development of the abundant oil and gas resources in Africa. Currently more than 70% of Africa’s energy needs come from Oil and Gas. This is due mainly to Its availability in nearly all regions of the African continent.  Furthermore, numerous by-products from Oil and Gas like fertilizers, petrochemicals, chemical intermediates, are required for food security, industrialization and economic prosperity. However, the production and utilization of Oil and Gas has led to severe environmental consequences, especially climate change. The competitiveness of Oil and Gas production and utilization will rely mainly on our ability to sequester the GHG emissions, adopt sustainable Oil and Gas production practices, and utilize environmentally friendly oilfield chemicals. The topics discussed in this thematic track include 

  • Sustainable Oilfield Chemicals: Development of green and efficient enhanced oil recovery, drilling, production, stimulation, and processing Oilfield chemicals 
  • Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS): Development of green and efficient sorbents for carbon capture utilization and storage and optimization of CCUS systems. 
  • Digital Oilfield Engineering: Adoption of machine learning and other AI algorithms in enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and reducing emissions in Oil and Gas production and processing. 
  • Hydrogen Production: Emphasis is on the sustainable production and optimization of grey and blue hydrogen from natural gas and the production of green hydrogen from produced water. 


30 sept -
4 oct 2024

Regional Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability – University of Energy and Natural Resources

Deadline for Submission of Abstract

30th August, 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance

5th September, 2024


Sept 30 - Oct 4, 2024

schedule of sessions

Event Date





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